Limit switch for liquids, Process connection G1/2, Suitable for process temperatures up to 100 °C (212 °F), Rugged stainless steel housing, Onsite function check possible thanks to LED indication, External function test with test magnetpa
Limit switch for liquids, Process connection G1/2, Suitable for process temperatures up to 150 °C (302 °F), Rugged stainless steel housing, Onsite function check possible thanks to LED indication, External function test with test magnetpa
Limit switch for liquids, Process connection G1, Suitable for process temperatures up to 150 °C (302 °F), Rugged stainless steel housing, Onsite function check possible thanks to LED indication, External function test with test magnetpa
Indisponível para compra: Switch element: Float switch with initiator, mercury-free, Electrical connections 2-wire, 6 V DC ... 60 V DC, Limit value detection for fluids, Ball design: high buoyancypa
Indisponível para compra: Switch element: Float switch with initiator, mercury-free, Electrical connections 2-wire, 6 V DC ... 60 V DC, Limit value detection for fluids, Sleeve design: small diameter, mounting through G1 tap hole possiblepa
Indisponível para compra: Level limit switch for liquids , Process connection G1/2, Rugged stainless steel housing, External test option using test magnet, Highly visible status LEDspa
Indisponível para compra: Level limit switch for liquids , Process connection G1/2, Rugged stainless steel housing, External test option using test magnet, Highly visible status LEDspa
Indisponível para compra: Level limit switch for liquids , Process connection G1/2, Rugged stainless steel housing, External test option using test magnet, Highly visible status LEDspa
Indisponível para compra: Level limit switch for liquids , Process connection G1/2, Rugged stainless steel housing, External test option using test magnet, Highly visible status LEDspa
Indisponível para compra: Level limit switch for liquids , Process connection G1A, Rugged stainless steel housing, External test option using test magnet, Due to its compact construction, it can be directly connected to a miniature contactor, magnet operated valve or programmable logic control (PLC), Highly visible status LEDspa
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