Yhteydenotto, Koneautomaatio
+358 20 7861 290
Yhteydenotto, Prosessiautomaatio
+358 20 7861 291

Read Heads

Valitse tuote

Seuraava sivuViimeinen sivu

Read head, RS-485 interface, with RS-485 terminal resistor, RS-485 interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulationfa

Reading head, SSI interface, Gray code, SSI interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulationfa

Read head, RS-485 interface, with RS-485 terminal resistor, RS-485 interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulationfa

Reading head, SSI interface, Gray code, SSI interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulationfa

PROFINET interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulation, Output of position and speedfa

Read head, RS-485 interface, with RS-485 terminal resistor, RS-485 interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulationfa

Read head, RS-485 interface, with RS-485 terminal resistor, RS-485 interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulation, Extended temperature rangefa

Read head, RS-485 interface, with RS-485 terminal resistor, RS-485 interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulation, Speed transferfa

Read head with EtherNet/IP interface, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Output of position and speed, Automatic detection of dirt accumulation, Unicast communication, A shared connection for supply and Ethernetfa

Reader with protective enclosure,
EtherNet/IP interface, EtherNet/IP, Non-contact, absolute position encoder, Automatic detection of dirt accumulation, Output of position and speed, For outdoor use, Extended temperature rangefa
Seuraava sivuViimeinen sivu

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