Triangulation sensor with background suppression, 100 mm adjustable detection range, red light, light on, NPN output, 2 m fixed cable, Miniature design, Small, sharp light spot, Can be adapted to the application in question thanks to the adjustable detection range, Precision object detection, almost irrespective of the color, Full metal thread mountingfa
Triangulation sensor with background suppression, background suppression, 100 mm adjustable detection range, red light, light on, PNP output, M8 plug, Miniature design, Small, sharp light spot, Can be adapted to the application in question thanks to the adjustable detection range, Precision object detection, almost irrespective of the color, Full metal thread mountingfa
Triangulation sensor with background suppression, 100 mm adjustable detection range, red light, light on, PNP output, 2 m fixed cable, Miniature design, Small, sharp light spot, Can be adapted to the application in question thanks to the adjustable detection range, Precision object detection, almost irrespective of the color, Full metal thread mountingfa
Triangulation sensor with background suppression, 100 mm adjustable sensing range, red light, light on, PNP output, 0.3 m fixed cable with M8 plug, Miniature design, Small, sharp light spot, Can be adapted to the application in question thanks to the adjustable detection range, Precision object detection, almost irrespective of the color, Full metal thread mountingfa
Triangulation sensor with background suppression, 100 mm adjustable detection range, red light, light on, npn output, M8 plug 4-pin, Miniature design, Small, sharp light spot, Can be adapted to the application in question thanks to the adjustable detection range, Precision object detection, almost irrespective of the color, Full metal thread mountingfa
Pepperl+Fuchs' ML100 Series photoelectric sensors include diffuse mode models... 반사되었어도, 역시 인식이 됩니다. 이것은 반사판 없이 동작할 수 있게 합니다. 직반 타입 센서 는 평평한 물체 또는 백그라운드가 가깝게 있는 반사율이 낮은 물체 , 예를 들면 컨베이어 벨트 위에 있는 고무 부품을, 안정적으로 감지 합니다. 삼각측량 원리를 기본으로 한 백그라운드 평가형 센서 검정 배경에 검정색 물체 같은 대조도가 낮은 타겟에 사용 백그라운드 서프레션 반사형 센서 –ML100-8-H 백그라운드 서프레션 반사형 센서 백그라운드 서프레션 센서 분야에서, ML100시리즈 가 직반 타입 센서 ML100-8-H 에 의해 확장되었습니다. 이 센서는 이증화를 가능하게 하는 3개의 라이트 스팟 을 가지고 있습니다. 특별한 특징으로, 출력이 로지컬 AND 및 OR 가 포함되었습니다. OR 출력은 3개중 하나의 라이트 스팟이 감지되었을때 활성화 되며, 불균일 개체를 신뢰성 있게 감지할 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다. AND 출력은 3개의 모든 라이트 스팟이 감지되었을때 활성화 되여
The ML100 sensor combines all sophisticated photoelectric functional principles in a simple, rectangular miniature housing design to solve all kinds of demanding automation tasks. Discover the versatile sensor series ... detection ML100-8-H-100-RT Triple light spots for reliable triple redundancy detection ML100-8-H-100…162 Diffuse Mode Sensors Standard object detection ML100-8-1000-RT Large light spot for shiny or transparent object detection ML100-8-W-200-RT Elongated red-8-H-350-RT BlueBeam for solar wafer and PCB detection ML100-8-H-250-BU Standard BGS performance for standard applications ML100-8-H-250-RT Infrared (IR) light for non-intrusive object detection ML100-8-H-200-IR Small light spot for small object
The Universal Barrier offers complete flexibility and sets new standards by automatically adapting to virtually any type of field input signal and DCS/ ESD system I/O … , parameterization changes that previously took days can now be handled within minutes via the DCS universal input card. This way, even ad hoc changes to the requirements of a process automation project are successful. The universal barrier is part of the proven H
Loaders and unloaders are responsible for loading PCBs with a vacuum suction from a stack onto a machine or verca. The thru-beam sensor is used as it is the most reliable method of detecting the positReliable PCB Stack Detection with ML100 Thru-beam Sensors ML100 with Built-In Slit Aperture to Shape the Light The Application If CPUs are the brains in the electronics industry, then PCB industry is the backbone. It supports all the components and mm, limiting the field of view to only 1.5 mm in one direction. With this, the detection is confined within 1.5 mm and the accuracy of the stop position is significantly increased. Technical Features: Long sensing range of up to 4 m (2.8 m with FR2 or
The detection of PCBs is by no means a straightforward task. Some challenges are different colors, textures, and reflectivity (from dull matt to shiny) of the PCB surface. The ML100 convergent beam sensor is the best solution for the application … adjustment is needed. The Solution ML100-8-HGU-100-RT/102/115/162 convergent beam sensor The ML100 convergent beam sensor is the best solution for the application due to a few properties. First, the sensor offers an elongated light spot , which ensures thatReliable Detection in PCB Production with ML100 Sensor Convergent Beam Sensor Detects Different Kinds of PCBs The Application The PCB (printed circuit board) industry forms the backbone of the electronics industry. Almost all electronics products
In companies of the hospitality industry, textiles such as bed linen, or towels have to be folded neatly and accurately after washing. The ML100-54-F retroreflective sensor with polarization filter is the ideal solution for this task …ML100 Sensor for Reliable Detection in Laundry Folding Machines Retroreflective Sensor Detects Various Textiles The Application In companies of the hospitality industry , such as restaurants, hotels, and bed and breakfasts, large quantities of bed where the material to be detected differs in color and reflectivity . Sometimes even fabrics with very low reflectivity are processed. The Solution ML100-54-F/102/115 retroreflective sensor with polarization filter The ML100-54-F retroreflective sensor
The reliable detection of solar wafers is one of the most demanding tasks for a photoelectric sensor. The BlueBeam variant from the proven ML100 series is capable of detecting all types of solar wafers …ML100 Diffuse Mode Sensors Detect Blue Solar Wafers Reliable Recognition of Solar Wafers with ML100 and BlueBeam Technology The Application The basic function of solar cells is to absorb as much light as possible to convert it into electrical energy their edges. This requires a particularly close installation of the sensor on the object to be detected. As the transport speed increases, so does the demand on the detection speed of the sensor. The Solution ML100 diffuse mode sensor with BlueBeam
See Overview: Pepperl+Fuchs' HiC2441 universal barrier is an isolated barrier that replaces traditional I/O modules …See Overview: Pepperl+Fuchs' HiC2441 universal barrier is an isolated barrier that replaces traditional I/O modules …
See Overview: Pepperl+Fuchs의 Mux2700 HART® 멀티플렉서는 HART® 표준에 따라서 디지털 커뮤니케이션을 지원하는 "스마트" 트랜스미터 또는 컨트롤 디바이스에 연결되는 신호 채널 32개를 제공한다.HIS 디바이스는 터미네이션 보드 위에 장착된 H-시스템의 본질 안전 베리어 의 형성 요소를 따릅니다. 본 시스템은 엄격한 DCS 또는 시스템 통합을 요구하는 어플리케이션에 이상적입니다.