Safety without exception.

Conquering the elements with unique ultrasonic technology for maximum safety.

USi®-safety sensorsystem i henhold til kategori 3 PL d

PL d certification

Ultrasonic Technology for Safety in All Areas

The USi-safety ultrasonic sensor system is breaking new ground for safety applications—whether in challenging, dusty environments or in outdoor areas. Machines and vehicles can be reliably protected using state-of-the-art ultrasonic technology and all of the advantages this brings.
Intelligent Design for Every Situation

Intelligent Design for Every Situation

Miniature ultrasonic transducers detached from the control interface allow the USi-safety to be used even in confined installation situations. The special design of the transducers enables the sensor system to cover an elliptical, three-dimensional sound field with opening angles of ± 17° and ± 5°, providing an improved level of safety.
Protected against Manipulation

Protected against Manipulation

Preventing safety functions from potentially being manipulated is a recurring challenge when implementing safety applications. USi-safety supports a teach-in process where a machine part is used as a reference target, so that the sensor system can register deviations immediately and the safety function can remain operational.
Quick Parameterization and Automatic Documentation

Quick Parameterization and Automatic Documentation

Comprehensive parameterization software and documentation make commissioning the ultrasonic sensor system quick and simple for users. In addition, the parameterization software can be used to initialize periodic tests and to generate safety protocols for the required safety verification in a fully automated manner.

Two Category 3 PL d Safe Systems on a Single Evaluation Unit

USi-safety evaluation unit

Up to two ultrasonic transducers can be connected to the evaluation unit of the USi-safety ultrasonic sensor system. They each have a single-fault tolerance, 2-channel structure. Reliable protection is therefore possible via each of the two independent sensor channels. A safe sensor system is provided even when only one ultrasonic transducer is connected. One signal output and safe OSSD outputs in accordance with category 3 PL d are available for signal output to a safety controller for each connected transducer.

In combination with the detached design of the ultrasonic transducers, which are available with cable lengths of up to three meters, the system can be used very efficiently in applications where left/right or forward/reverse movements in a space need to be safeguarded—on automated guides vehicles (AGV), for example. In addition, applications can also be implemented in which both sound fields are focused directly adjacent to each other or even overlapping to secure the widest possible collective sensing range—for example, as a sound curtain that is used to control access to a work cell.


Elliptical Sound Field for Especially Wide Sensing Range

USi-safety sound field

Whereas conventional ultrasonic sensors emit acoustic signals in the form of a radially symmetrical sound beam, in the USi-safety this takes the form of a strongly elliptical sound field. The opening angle of ± 17° / ± 5° creates an especially wide sensing range in one plane and a narrow sensing range in the other. This allows the ultrasonic transducers to be mounted in confined installation situations.

The system can therefore be used successfully even just above ground level or close to a wall. At the same time, this technology—which is optimized for capturing 3-D spaces—enables the sensor to detect switching targets or obstacles that are overhanging or near to the ground.

The System

The USi-safety ultrasonic sensor system consists of an evaluation unit, up to two ultrasonic transducers, a temperature sensor, and the software. To learn more about the individual components, click through the tabber menu on the right.

USi-safety system

The Components

Evaluation Unit
Ultrasonic Transducers
Temp. Sensor
The evaluation unit contains two microcontrollers that monitor the connected ultrasonic transducers, their own hardware, and each other to ensure that the components are functioning correctly. This provides the system with single-fault tolerance in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1. In addition to the connections for the ultrasonic transducers and the safe, short-circuit, and crossed-circuit monitored OSSD outputs, there is an input for a temperature sensor and a USB interface for parameterization via PC.

Eksempler på applikasjoner

USi-safety i felten (video)

Få et innblikk i hvordan USi-safety fungerer: Animasjonen vår viser system i bruk og and illustrerer de tekniske forbedringene.

Kollisjonsunngåelse i gaffelspissen

Kollisjonsunngåelse i gaffelspissen

Pålitelig hindring av kollisjon i førerløse gaffeltrucker er et ideelt bruksområde for USi-safety ultralydgivere. Siden ultralydteknologi er motstandsdyktig mot smuss, temperatur, luftstrømmer og luftfuktighet, utvider det bruksområdet for disse førerløse systemene (AGT) betraktelig. I tillegg kan USi-safety trygt overvåke blindsonen rett foran der gaffelarmene går inn i pallen – en utfordring ingen av de vanlige sikkerhetssertifiserte systemene har kunne håndtere før nå. En spesialutviklet algoritme hindrer «krysstale» mellom flere førerløse systemer som er utstyrt med USi-safety.

Safe Overhead Conveyors in Hospitals

Safe Overhead Conveyors in Hospitals

Automated guided transport systems can be found in many hospitals. This specific application involves an overhead conveyor with metal rolling containers in which materials such as laundry, medicine, and food are moved to their destination. The AGT system moves through the supply passages in basement floors, picking up rolling containers and transporting them to the required station through special shafts. The USi-safety devices are ideal for integrating into the chassis of the AGT system. The freely positionable ultrasonic transducers are fixed at a predefined angle on the right and left using customized mounting sets. To prevent the transducers from separating when the container holder rotates, they each seal with the bottom edge of the switch cabinet.

Pålitelig sideveis beskyttelse for selvstyrt transport av tanker

Pålitelig sideveis beskyttelse for selvstyrt transport av store tanker

I kjemikaliebransjen kan tanker så lange som 20 meter flyttes rundt på anlegget med tilsvarende store førerløse kjøretøy (AGV). I tillegg brukes rutene av andre kjøretøy , og også av folk enten til fots eller på sykkel. AGV styres ved hjelp av en elektronisk forbindelse med et merkespor. Lanke tanker trenger imidlertid en tilsvarende stor radius ved svinging og – spesielt ved disse punktene – sideveis kollisjonsbeskyttelse. Flere USi-safety ultralydgivere fordeles på hver side av kjøretøyet. Den svært kompakte sensorenheten kan monteres på steder der andre typer sensorer ikke ville få plass, for eksempel i hjulområdet. Lydstrålen fungerer som en akustisk «sensor», som gir kontaktfri kontroll av sideområdet under transport. Enhetene har pålitelig detektering av alle hindre i et definert sikkerhetsområde. Ved behov kan sikkerhetssystemet gripe inn i kjøretøyets kontrollsystem.

Personal Safety in Lane-Guided AGVs

Personal Safety in Lane-Guided AGVs

Lane-guided AGVs follow a lane applied on the ground and transport goods from one station to the next. In this process, it can happen that the paths of people cross the specified transport paths of the vehicles. In such areas, collisions between the AGVs and people must be avoided to ensure both personal protection and uninterrupted transport. For this purpose, the detection range of the ultrasonic transducers can be quickly and easily adapted to the conditions via the parameterization software. In addition to safe OSSD outputs for the safety field, the sensor system also has one signal output per channel, for example to reduce the speed of an AGV or to issue a warning signal.

Machine Safeguarding in the Wood Industry

Machine Safeguarding in the Wood Industry

Usually, machines are safeguarded by photoelectronic light curtains. However, wood dust or other particles flying around in the air, for example, can cause false alarms and the machine switches into the safe state. The light grid must be cleaned and the machine restarted manually in order to continue with the process. Due to ultrasonic technology, the USi-safety, used as a "sound curtain," is insensitive to wood dust and other particles and can withstand demanding environments. Unlike optical sensors, the USi-safety does not need to be kept clean, nor is the production process unnecessarily interrupted by false alarms—and the machine is still reliably safeguarded. At the same time, the system offers the advantage that fixed machine parts can be taught-in via teach-in function and used for manipulation protection. If this reference target is no longer recognized due to manipulation, the system switches to the safe state.

Stol på ekspertene på ultralydgivere

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Intern kompetanse på ultralydgivere

Ultralydgivere fra Pepperl+Fuchs bygges i vårt eget teknologisenter, der utvikling og produksjon av omformere finner sted. I mer enn 30 år har våre eksperter jobbet kontinuerlig for å fremme ultralydteknologi for morgendagens løsninger. Det betyr at våre kunder alltid får de beste produktene på markedet.

Denne tilnærmingen har gitt den bredeste porteføljen i bransjen, støttet av flere patenter og nyskapninger, for maksimal fleksibilitet i produktutvalg og optimale applikasjonsløsninger. I tillegg til vår standardportefølje har Pepperl+Fuchs kunnskapen og infrastrukturen for å svare på kundekrav på en rask og fleksibel måte.

I tillegg har vårt omfattende utvalg av tilbehør de riktige modulene for tilpasset integrering, enten det gjelder vanskelige installasjonsbetingelser eller spesialbruk, tilpasset programmering eller koordinert tilkoblingsteknologi. De gjør alle ultralydgiverapplikasjoner til fremtidssikre systemløsninger med høy ytelse.

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