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觸手可及的安裝品質 – FDH-1

現場總線診斷手持式 FDH-1
現場總線診斷手持式 FDH-1

現場總線診斷手持設備 (FDH-1) 是唯一具有嵌入式專家系統的便攜式解決方案。 對於新手和有經驗的用戶,FDH-1 提供了檢查和監控現場總線物理層質量的功能。 我們的用戶可以檢查:

  • 只需按一下按鈕即可獲得安裝品質,
  • 現有電纜與現場總線的可用性,
  • 來自專家系統的消息提供關於質量和可能的安裝故障補救措施的簡明建議。

A fieldbus battery can power a fieldbus segment for a full day
A fieldbus battery can power a fieldbus segment for a full day

Commissioning tools support and accelerate working steps on the work bench and in the field. Even where there is no electrical outlet in sight, a fieldbus battery supports commissioning and testing of fieldbus installations.

On the work bench, the FieldConnex® Starter Kit contains all necessary components to create a segment for monitoring or control with multiple components. A fieldbus power supply is also included.