+886 2 27227708


FieldConnex過程介面用最少的接線連接多個傳統的輸入輸出模組到現場總線。本質安全包括: 感測器和觸發器可安裝在 Zone 0/ Div. 1,過程介面安裝在Zone 1/ Div. 1. I/O模組由現場匯流排供電,節省接線。過程介面可選擇標準功能模組,選擇不同製造商現場儀錶,靈活性強。



The FieldConnex® 溫度多路輸入(TM-I)高效,節約的把8路類比信號集成到數位量現場總線通訊中。以下設備和信號的類型可以連接到:

  • 電阻溫度感測器, 2線,3線和4線制
  • 熱電偶
  • 其他電阻和毫伏信號


Multi-Input Output

FieldConnex® Multi-Input Output (MIO)
FieldConnex® Multi-Input Output (MIO)

The FieldConnex® Multi-Input Output (MIO) provides connection for various disrcete signals to the DCS via fieldbus and one single address. The MIO monitors the status of up to twelve NAMUR sensors or controls up to four valves—including final position feedback and automated partial stroke test. Due to its integrated breakaway and runtime monitoring for valves, an alarm signal is emitted when limit values are exceeded. Alternatively, MIO enables overflow and idle level of containers and conduits monitored by vibration limit switches. All inputs and outputs of Multi-Input Output are intrinsically safe. The MIO serves the exact same functions as FieldConnex valve couplers and binary interfaces and as a drop-in replacement with no reconfiguration required at the PLC or DCS. New and unique is the frequency or pulse input for monitoring of rotating equipment.