Serviceline Industrial Sensors
Serviceline Explosion Protection


段保护器, FOUNDATION fieldbus H1, Foundation fieldbus, FieldConnex, R-SP-E12, 段保护

危险区Zone 2/ Div. 2 的现场仪表连接到段保护器上,主干线上的电源受电源单元限制为无火花型。主干线采用Non-incendive 接线方式。段保护器分支也是Non-incendive型,允许带电维护现场仪表。段保护器在主干线上提供短路保护功能。

Segment Protector R2-SP-IC*

Segment Protector R2-SP-IC*
Segment Protector R2-SP-IC*

Segment Protector R2-SP-IC* features the same mechanical design as the R2-SP-N* with added features for superior availability:

  • Progressive fault detection and isolation of infrequent but typical fieldbus faults, e.g. contact bounce
  • Jabber protection handling device defects
  • Ex ic energy limitation

The Segment Protector R2-SP-IC* communicates status from the diagnostic-enabled enclosure leakage sensor and surge protector to the Advanced Diagnostic Module. This communication does not interfere with normal process communication and requires no addressing, configuration or bandwidth on the bus.

Segment Protector F2-SP-IC*

Segment Protector F2-SP-IC*
Segment Protector F2-SP-IC*

Segment Protector F2-SP-IC* offers all the intelligent features for fault detection and protection of the R2-SP-IC*. It is installed in our most compact aluminum enclosure (F2-SP-IC*) with:

  • Quick and convenient local diagnostics: LEDs visible from the outside
  • 4, 6, 8, 10 spurs selectable
  • Cable glands or connector plugs (M12) selectable
  • Optional spring terminals

Segment Protector R-SP-E12 for Flameproof Devices in Zone 1/ Div. 2

Segment Protector R-SP-E12
Segment Protector R-SP-E12

The Segment Protector R-SP-E12 can supply power to Ex d field devices. The Segment Protector and the instrument can be installed in Zone 1.