Línea de servicio de Sensores Industriales
Teléfono: +34 94 453 50 20
Fax: +34 94 453 51 80
Atención al cliente para protección contra explosiones
Teléfono: +34 94 453 50 20
Fax: +34 94 453 51 80

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1-channel, Input Ex ia, Mounting in Zone 2, Class I/Div.2 or in the safe area, Input for frequency, counter, direction of rotation, Explosion protection: Ex ia, Function: Counter , Function [2]: frequency, Function [3]: direction of rotation, Connection: NAMUR sensor, Connection [2]: volt-free contactpa

1-channel, Input for frequency, counter, direction of rotation, Installation in Zone 2 or safe area, Digital input max. 15 kHz, Explosion protection: Ex ic, Function: Counter , Function [2]: frequency, Function [3]: direction of rotation, Connection: NAMUR sensor, Connection [2]: volt-free contactpa

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La nueva pasarela PROFINET de E/S remota de Pepperl+Fuchs para Zona 2, Clase I, Div. 2 certificada abre la puerta a las aplicaciones de la Industria 4.0 en las industrias de procesos.