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Atención al cliente para protección contra explosiones

Solutions Ex d IIB or CID1 / CIID1 based on Aluminum Enclosures EJB*

  • Copper-free aluminum enclosure
  • Suitable for operation in Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 21 and Zone 22
  • Suitable for operation in Class I, II Division 1
  • Ex d and Ex tb certified
  • Gas group IIB+H2
  • Degree of protection IP66 or IP66 / IP67, NEMA Type 4X
  • Various enclosure size and design variants
  • Customizable configuration of operators, cable entry quantities and cable gland types as per specification
  • Integration of electrical components and operating elements as per customer specification
  • Choice of viewing windows for monitoring instruments

Please note: All product-related documents, such as certificates, declarations of conformity, etc., which were issued prior to the conversion under the name Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH or Pepperl+Fuchs AG, also apply to Pepperl+Fuchs SE.

Descargue la hoja de datos completa en PDF:

Extracto de la hoja de datos: Información técnica del  EJB*

Descripción del producto
Solutions Ex d IIB or CID1 / CIID1 based on Aluminum Enclosures
Electrical specifications
Operating voltage1500 V DC / 1000 V AC max. for ATEX / IECEx
600 V AC / DC max. for North American approvals
Operating current1600 A max.
Mechanical specifications
Thread typemetric ISO pitch 1.5 mm or NPT ANSI ASME B1.20.1
Enclosure coverdetachable , optional hinges
Cover fixingstainless steel socket cap head screws
Screwssee data table
Material of screwsstainless steel
Yield stressmin. 450 N/mm2 for ATEX / IECEx , 100,000 PSI for North American approvals
Cover sealnone, O-ring for IP66/67
Flamepath greaseGreasil MS4 or NEVER SEEZ Marine Grade
Degree of protectionIP66 (IP66/IP67 with O-ring) , NEMA Type 4, 4X, 7, 9
Cable entrysee data table
Enclosurealuminum alloy
Glassthermo-resistant tempered glass
Finishepoxy coated RAL 7005 (grey)
Masssee data table
valid for empty enclosure, will increase according to integrated components
Dimensionssee data table
values might differ slightly due to casting and manufacturing tolerances
dimensions are valid for standard enclosures and IP66 variants only
Mountingsee data table
GroundingM6 external grounding points
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature-60 ... 60 °C (-76 ... 140 °F)
depending on integrated components
Data for application in connection with hazardous areas
EU-type examination certificateINERIS 14 ATEX 0022X
MarkingEx-Hexagon II 2 GD
Ex db IIB+H2 T* Gb
Ex tb IIIC T** °C Db
T6/T85 °C
T5/T100 °C
T4/T135 °C
T3/T200 °C
depending on configuration, ambient temperature and built-in power loss
Maximum power dissipationsee data table
maximum power dissipation at T4/+40 °C
enclosure without window
International approvals
UL approval
Approved forClass I, Division 1, Groups B, C, D
Class II, Division 1, Groups E, F, G
Type 4, 4X, 7, 9
cULusEmpty enclosure E482035 , UL 50E , UL 1203 , CSA C22.2, No. 25, 30
cETLusControl panels E5003368
Ambient temperature-25 ... 60 °C (-13 ... 140 °F)
IECEx approvalIECEx INE 14.0029X
IECEx INE 14.0028U
UKCA approvalCML 21 UKEX 1424X
CML 21 UKEX 1425U
ECAS approval23-10-87483/E23-09-089610
CCC approval2020322303002546
Further approvalsavailable on request
Degree of protectionEN60529 and UL 50 / UL 50E
CE marking0080 or 0102, see type label
General information
Ordering informationThis solution will be delivered completely configured and assembled ready for use. For configuration details please contact Customer Service.
Supplementary informationEC-Type Examination Certificate, Statement of Conformity, Declaration of Conformity, Attestation of Conformity and instructions have to be observed where applicable. For information see www.pepperl-fuchs.com.


ECLASS 13.027180502
ECLASS 12.027180502
ECLASS 11.027180502
ECLASS 10.0.127180502
ECLASS 9.027180502
ECLASS 8.027149144
ECLASS 5.127180502
ETIM 9.0EC002503
ETIM 8.0EC002503
ETIM 7.0EC002503
ETIM 6.0EC002503
ETIM 5.0EC002713
UNSPSC 12.139121314

Details: EJB*

Product Documentation: EJB*

Seleccionar idioma:
Brief InstructionsIdiomaTipo de archivoTamaño
Instruction Manual EJBENGPDF256 KB
Safety and Security Documentation
Instruction Manual EJB empty enclosuresSPAPDF169 KB

Approvals: EJB*

Seleccionar idioma:
CertificatesNúmero de CertificadoIdiomaTipo de archivoTamaño
China SITIIAS CCC Ex Certificate2020322303002546 (Pepperl+Fuchs SE,Mannheim)ALLPDF2867 KB
ECASEx24-10-127022/E24-10-131581/NB0002ALLPDF851 KB
ECASEx24-10-126943/E24-10-131579/NB0002ALLPDF850 KB
Europe INERIS ATEX EU-Type Exam. CertificateINERIS 14 ATEX 9010UALLPDF3464 KB
INERIS IECEx Certificate of ConformityIECEx INE 14.0029XALLLINK---
INERIS IECEx Certificate of ConformityIECEx INE 14.0028UALLLINK---
India PESO (India) CCOEA/P/HQ/KA/104/6116 (P574597)ALLPDF125 KB
UK-Type Examination CertificateCML 21UKEX1424XALLPDF148 KB
UK-Type Examination CertificateCML 21UKEX1425UALLPDF220 KB
UL Hazardous LocationE482035 (FTRV)ALLPDF400 KB
Control Drawings
UL Control Drawing   ALLPDF182 KB
Declaration of Conformity
EU Declaration of Conformity (Pepperl+Fuchs)DOC-2468EALLPDF446 KB
EU Declaration of Conformity (Pepperl+Fuchs)DOC-0832GALLPDF387 KB
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