Fabrika Otomasyonu
Proses Otomasyonu

Çift Plaka Sensörleri

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Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, Insensitive to printing, colors, and shining surfaces, Perpendicular or inclined sensor mounting relative to the sheet plane possible, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: switching output: NPN , NO contactfa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, Insensitive to printing, colors, and shining surfaces, Perpendicular or inclined sensor mounting relative to the sheet plane possible, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: switching output: NPN , NC contactfa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, Insensitive to printing, colors, and shining surfaces, Perpendicular or inclined sensor mounting relative to the sheet plane possible, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: switching output: PNP , NO contactfa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, Insensitive to printing, colors, and shining surfaces, Perpendicular or inclined sensor mounting relative to the sheet plane possible, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: switching output: PNP , NC contactfa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, preferably papers, No teach-in required, Function indicators visible from all directions, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: 3 switch outputs NPN, NC, UL approval: cULus Listed, General Purpose, Class 2 Power Sourcefa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, preferably papers, No teach-in required, Function indicators visible from all directions, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: 3 switch outputs NPN, NC, UL approval: cULus Listed, General Purpose, Class 2 Power Sourcefa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, preferably papers, No teach-in required, Function indicators visible from all directions, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: 3 switch outputs PNP, NO, UL approval: cULus Listed, General Purpose, Class 2 Power Sourcefa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, preferably papers, No teach-in required, Function indicators visible from all directions, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: 3 switch outputs PNP, NC, UL approval: cULus Listed, General Purpose, Class 2 Power Sourcefa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, preferably papers, Very short response time, Function indicators visible from all directions, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: 3 switch outputs PNP, NC, UL approval: cULus Listed, General Purpose, Class 2 Power Sourcefa

Ultrasonic system for reliable detection of no, one, or two overlapping sheet materials, preferably papers, Short version, No teach-in required, Sensing range: 20 ... 60 mm , optimal distance: 45 mm, Thread mold: M18, Construction type: Cylindrical, thread, Series: -UDB, Operating voltage: 18 ... 30 V DC , ripple 10 %SS, Output type: 3 switch outputs NPN, NC, UL approval: cULus Listed, General Purpose, Class 2 Power Sourcefa
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Pepperl+Fuchs, ultrasonik sensörlerle ilgili bilgilerin yer aldığı çeşitli indirilebilir belgeler sunar.