Servizio assistenza Sensori Industriali
Telefono: +39 039 69599 1
Fax.: +39 039 69599 30
Servizio assistenza Protezione contro le esplosioni
Telefono ++39 039 62921
Fax ++39 039 6292 390

Monitor di sicurezza

Prodotti selezionati


Safety Monitor, 8 decentralized output circuitsfa

Safety Monitor, 16 decentralized output circuitsfa

EtherNet/IP + Modbus TCP Gateway with integrated safety monitor, double master for 2 AS-Interface networks, power supply input with data decouplingfa

PROFINET Gateway with integrated safety monitor, double master for 2 AS-Interface networks, power supply input with decoupling coilsfa

Gateway with integrated Safety Monitorfa

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