Wsparcie Czujników Przemysłowych
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Przemysłowe terminale ThinClient oraz mini PC

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Latch that allows to lock cables to BTC, Innovative design improves stability and flexibility, One-piece and reusable design for easy installation and removal, Ensures strong and reliable cable connections, Universal design for securing most cables, Environmentally safe – RoHS compliant and recyclablepa

Connecting cable for BTCpa

Industrial Box PC, 7th generation Intel Celeron and i5 embedded processor generation, Supports high performance M.2 NVMe storage, Robust, fanless industrial design with -20 … +55 °C, Installation flexibility: stand-alone PC, Panel PC, system with enclosure, Integrated intrinsically safe USB ports for keyboard connectionspa

Industrial Box Thin Client, Industrial-grade box thin client for 24/7 operation, Long-term support with product availability for more than 5 years, Supports modern Ultra HD (4K) setups with 60 Hz, Compact footprint, Option for Class I/Div 2 hazardous locations, Option for ACP ThinManager "Ready"pa

Industrial Box Thin Client, Industrial-grade box thin client for 24/7 operation, Long-term support with product availability for more than 5 years, Supports up to four modern Ultra HD (4K) monitors with 60 Hz (with optional 8GB DDR4 RAM), Compact footprintpa

Industrial Box Thin Client, Industrial-grade box thin client for 24/7 operation, Long-term support with product availability for more than 5 years, Supports up to two modern Ultra HD (4K) monitors with 60 Hz, Compact footprintpa
Rozwiązania typu cienki klient w obudowach przemysłowych (BTC)

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Platforma VisuNet FLX

Odkryj nową platformę VisuNet FLX do niezwykle elastycznych operatorskich stacji roboczych i systemów monitorowania.