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Measuring sensor with multiple switch points, small design, background suppression and more adjustable operating modes, IO-Link interface , Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structure, Low sensitivity to target colorfa

Measuring sensor with multiple switch points, small design, background suppression and more adjustable operating modes, IO-Link interface , Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, DuraBeam Laser Sensors - durable and employable like an LED, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structurefa

Switching diffuse mode sensor with measurement core technology, 150 mm detection range, red light, IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, 2 m fixed cable, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Infrared light design, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structurefa

Switching diffuse mode sensor with measurement core technology, 150 mm detection range, red light, IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, M8 plug, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structure, Low sensitivity to target colorfa

Switching diffuse mode sensor with measurement core technology, 150 mm detection range, red light, IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, M8 plug, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Infrared light design, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structurefa

Switching diffuse mode sensor with measurement core technology, 150 mm detection range, red laser light, laser class 1, IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, M8 plug, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, DuraBeam Laser Sensors - durable and employable like an LED, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structurefa

Switching diffuse mode sensor with measurement core technology, 150 mm detection range, red light, IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, 2 m fixed cable, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Infrared light design, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structurefa

Switching diffuse mode sensor with measurement core technology, 150 mm detection range, red light, IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, M8 plug, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structure, Low sensitivity to target colorfa

Switching diffuse mode sensor with measurement core technology, 150 mm detection range, red light, IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, M8 plug, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Infrared light design, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structurefa

Switching diffuse mode sensor with measurement core technology, 150 mm detection range, red laser light, laser class 1, IO-Link, 2 x push-pull output, M8 plug, Miniature design with versatile mounting options, Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) - flexibility and adaptability, Reduction of device variety - several switch points within one sensor, DuraBeam Laser Sensors - durable and employable like an LED, Reliable detection of all surfaces, independent of color and structurefa
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Czujniki fotoelektryczne z serii R10x i R20x

Po raz pierwszy dostępna jest pełna gama rozwiązań obejmujących urządzenia fotoelektryczne oraz innowacyjne technologie w identycznych obudowach. Użytkownicy czerpią korzyści z jednolitej koncepcji obsługi uwzględnionej w całej ofercie. Poznaj serie R100, R101, R103, R200 i R201...