Ipari érzékeléstechika
+36 88 545 902
+36 88 560 472
Leválasztók, jelátalakítók
+36 88 545 902
+36 88 560 472


Pepperl+Fuchs offers a variety of accessories to enable custom-fit remote I/O installations. Various D-sub connectors and cables to link the base and extension backplanes used for module mounting are available.

Different terminal blocks (screw, front screw, spring) with varying pole numbers can be purchased in blue or green versions indicating intrinsically safe or non-intrinsically safe connections. Protective covers for terminal blocks, cold junction blocks, and a watchdog plug are also part of the portfolio.

The product range is rounded out by a separation wall. It is mounted on the backplane between remote I/O modules with intrinsically safe circuits and remote I/O modules with non-intrinsically circuits, to maintain the 50 mm clearance between both types.

PROFINET kommunikációs modul

A Pepperl+Fuchs új, Zóna 2, I-es osztályú, Divízió 2-es, hitelesített távoli I/O PROFINET kommunikációs modulja új kapukat nyit meg a folyamatiparban az Ipar 4.0 alkalmazásai számára.