Ipari érzékeléstechika
+36 88 545 902
+36 88 560 472
Leválasztók, jelátalakítók
+36 88 545 902
+36 88 560 472


Termék kiválasztás

Következő oldalUtolsó oldal

Read head for incident light positioning system, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines., Travel ranges up to 10 km, in X and Y direction, PROFINET interface, Integrated switchfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, SSI interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines., Travel ranges up to 10 km, in X and Y directionfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, EtherNet/IP, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines., Integrated switch, Travel ranges up to 10 kmfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, PROFINET interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines., Integrated switch, Traverse distance up to 100 km , Output of code quality, Pollution detectionfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, SSI interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines., Travel ranges up to 10 kmfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, RS-485 interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Travel ranges up to 10 km, in X and Y direction, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines.fa

Read head for incident light positioning system, RS-485 interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines., Travel ranges up to 10 kmfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, SIL 3 (EN 61508), Category 4 PL e (EN ISO 13849), PROFINET interface, PROFIsafe interface, Safe, non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Traverse distance up to 100 km , Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, Output of code quality, Pollution detectionfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines., Travel ranges up to 10 km, in X and Y direction, PROFINET interface, Integrated switchfa

Read head for incident light positioning system, SSI interface, Non-contact positioning on Data Matrix code tape, Mechanically rugged: no wearing parts, long operating life, maintenance-free, High resolution and precise positioning, especially for facilities with curves and switch points as well as inclines and declines., Travel ranges up to 10 km, in X and Y directionfa
Következő oldalUtolsó oldal

Szűrés a következő szerint:

Funkcionális biztonság központ a Pepperl+Fuchs-nál

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